Sign up for a one on one session today!

The purpose of the UMF Financial Literacy Outreach Program is to provide you with the tools to help strengthen your knowledge of your student loans and the financial world we live in. Whether you are a first-year student or a senior graduating in the spring, we have the tools to aid your specific situation. If you are interested in a one-on-one informational meeting, here is what we will cover!

In exchange for ONE HOUR (or less!) of your time we provide a personalized, holistic money management strategy:

  • Determine what amount of debt you will be looking at when you graduate
  • Discuss your options for repaying and lowering this debt
  • A rundown of all the available tools to help reduce your financial burden
  • We can tell you if you qualify to have loans forgiven! (Free money!)
  • Set you up to take control of your financial situation NOW
  • Help you develop a comprehensive budget and savings plan to help direct your financial decisions, and reach your financial goals!
  • Help you ‘find money’ that is being wasted frivolously
  • Provide tools for your financial future
  • This includes online banking,,, and more!

Email a peer financial assistant or visit us on Facebook to sign up for your own one on one session today!

Tell us what you think!