Get a Job Communication

Get A Job!

In order to supplement your finances and enjoy a little extra spending money during the school year, the best thing you can do is find a part-time job on, or near, campus. Finding a job may not seem that difficult but finding the right job, that fits your schedule and offers the benefits you’re looking for, can be a bit tricky. There are a few things you should keep in mind when looking for a job while you’re attending classes.


The first, and probably most obvious, factor to consider when looking for a job is whether or not you have transportation. During the winter months (November through April) a job at Sugarloaf in Carrabassett Valley can be rewarding and provide flexible hours during the school week and as many hours as you may need during the weekend. In addition it provides a free pass to the mountain. But Sugarloaf is a 45 minute drive away, and if you don’t have consistent transportation, it just isn’t an option. Fortunately, there are numerous on- and off-campus job opportunities within walking distance, and even more opportunities present themselves if you have a bicycle.


Can you build your work schedule around classes or do you have to build your classes around your work schedule? Another thing to consider when job hunting in the area is whether or not your potential employer can be flexible enough to set up a schedule that fits the hectic lifestyle of a college student. If you want the job badly enough but your employer needs you to work a defined schedule with little room for flexibility, you may have to build your classes around that work schedule. Fortunately, most part-time employers understand the needs of a college student and can figure out a schedule that works around your classes.

Leave time for homework!

Classes and work are not the only factors in your life! Remember to leave an appropriate amount of time every week for completing homework and other out-of-class academia you may have to ration your time for. You should also allow yourself at least some personal time. Remember college is about achieving academically, but it is also about personal growth and a large part of the college experience is taking advantage of the social opportunities that present themselves in a University environment. Don’t shirk your responsibilities, but enjoy time with your friends and look into extra-curricular activities such as clubs, intramural sports and the like.

On Campus Jobs

Jobs on-campus are conveniently located with minimal commute time, and they present opportunities for pre-professional experience and resume building. Student employment is an important part of a student’s financial aid package, and is integral to the daily operations of many departments here at UMF. We are very proud of our student work programs because they allow students to work in fields related to either their major or a personal interest, or even to gain employment that leads them to a decision of what they would like to major in or pursue in a professional capacity. Our two main programs here at UMF are the Federal Work-Study program and the Student Work Initiative program. Federal Work-Study is awarded to needy, on-time aid applicants as determined by information submitted on the FAFSA. For those students who were not awarded Federal Work-Study and still wish to work, there is the Student Work Initiative program started by UMF’s President, Dr. Kalikow. The third option for students is to find a job paid for by department funds. Not all departments hire students this way, but some do. Please be advised that it is not within our policy to place students into their jobs, so searching for a job is a competitive process. Look to the UMF website for more information on student employment. 

*Please be advised that our policies leave job finding to the individual student, that is, UMF will not place a student into a job they are meant to attain one of their own accord. Students are responsible for seeking job opportunities and are advised to look to the UMF website for helpful information on their availability.